Requirements for Aviasales Flight Search API access

With the Search API, you can create your own metasearch engines for plane tickets. Documentation of the Search API is available here.

Access to the Search API is provided on an affiliate-by-affiliate basis. To access the flight search API, you should be signed up for our partnership platform.

Requirements for Search API

  1. Each search query must be initiated by the user and the results must be shown to the user in full. The results for each query must contain a Book button next to each flight option.
  2. The reference to the agency's website must be received only when the user clicks Book button. Automatic collection of all links from the answer is prohibited. Violation of this rule will disable the API search for the partner.
  3. Using our search API with the API of other metasearches of flights is forbidden.
  4. It's forbidden to use requests with localhost IP addresses (
  5. It's forbidden to automatically collect data from search results using the search API.
  6. Page with found flights should be hidden from search engine bots using the robots.txt file. For example, if flight tickets are displayed on the page, then robots.txt should contain the following lines:
    User-Agent: *
    Disallow: /search/
  7. The conversion rate for searches via the Book link must be 9% or more. The conversion rate from Book button to actual purchases must be at least 5%.
  8. We'll also need to see the URL of your Project, your design prototypes, a description of your Project, and how our API will be used.

Ajax requests to the API don’t work because the access token is passed unencrypted. You must make requests to the API from the server.

How to get access to the Search API

To get access to the Search API, send a request to with a description of your project (see #8 above) and include replies to the following questions:

  1. Why are the standard methods of integration (search formsWhite Label, API access to data, WordPress plugin) unsuitable for your Project?
  2. Please describe the algorithm you plan to use with our API. 
  3. How will you ask a user for the input (e.g. dates, origin, destination)?
  4. How will you display tickets?
  5. Please provide interface designs or prototypes to give us an idea of how visitors will interact with your project.