How to set up Google Analytics goals for the White Label tool

The entire process of setting up goals in Google Analytics for White Label is divided into three stages:

  1. Creating and configuring an account in Google Tag Manager and Analytics.
  2. Setting the parameters by which actions on the White Label will be tracked.
  3. Setting up goals in Google Analytics.

Creating and configuring an account in Google Tag Manager and Analytics

Go to and create a new account.


  • Account name — Enter any name, for example, the name of your White Label
  • Country — Select the country from which the main traffic will move
  • Click Create

This will open the form to create the container.


  • Container name — Specify White Label address
  • Where to Use Container — Specify the website
  • Click Create
  • Accept the terms of use agreement

This will open a window with the Tag Manager code.


Then, you need to copy the code from the first field and paste it in the code blocks on the Meta tab of the White Label settings.


Please note! You should place the code for all types of pages (Front, flights and hotels SERP, hotel page). It is also important to place the code in all language blocks. If you added three languages for your White Label, then you should place the code for all three languages and for all types of pages in these languages.

Copy the code from the second block of the Tag Manager and paste it at the top in the Header tab:


Please note! The code should be placed for all languages that you added to the White Label.

Go to the Google Analytics website and create a new property (Administrator — Create property). Then complete all the fields. You should select "Show advanced options", check "Create a Universal Analytics property" and "Create a Universal Analytics property only".


After property creation, you will have a tracking ID of the UA-124634273-2 type. It will be of use later.

Now everything is ready to determine the indicators and set up goals.

Setting the parameters by which actions on the White Label will be tracked

Now, we need to set the parameters that the analytics will use to track clicks on the website.

The standard set includes the following clicks:

  • Book button in the search results of air tickets
  • Links under the Book button
  • Book button on the hotel page

To set the parameters, go to Google Tag Manager and add a new embedded variable:


Click the Configure button and choose the Click Element and Click Classes variables by check mark:


Go to the Tags section and create a new tag.


Click in the Tag Configuration field and select the type of Google Analytics tag.


Select the Pageview type of tracking in the pop up window. Click on the New Variable and indicate the Tracking ID of our Analytics in the settings section of Google Analytics (we got it at the beginning of the article, and you can also find it here: Administrator -> Property Settings in Analytics).


Click Save, then save the tag and select Add Trigger in the pop-up window (or click on the trigger area under the tag settings).


Click on All pages and then save the tag.


Next, we have to create a trigger to track all clicks. Select the Triggers item in the side menu and create a new trigger.


Click on Trigger type and select the following type: Click — All Elements.


Save the settings. Click the Submit button in the top menu of the Tag Manager. Fields can be left blank. Click the Publish button.


Our settings are saved and everything is ready to work. Click the Preview button (next to the Submit button).

Now, open your White Label in the same browser where the Tag Manager is open. If everything is set up correctly, you will see the Tag Manager panel at the bottom of the window.

Please note! A number of browser plugins (created for ad blocking) do not allow the Tag Manager to load. You should disable them for further set up.

Click on the Book button. The Tag Manager panel will display your click — Go to the Variables tab and copy the value of the Click Classes variable up to the first space.


In our example, this is ticket-action-button-deeplink.

We will track the clicks on the Book button in Analytics specifically for this class. Select the other items you want to track, and save the classes for them.

Everything is ready for the final setup of Analytics.

Setting up goals in Google Analytics

Go to the Tag Manager and create a new tag with the Event type. Complete the Category and Action fields. We will need them when setting up goals.


For example, these fields can be filled in with the following:

  • Category — avia
  • Action — button_clicks
  • Add a new trigger


Select the following type of trigger: Click — All Elements. Change the activation conditions in the settings to Some Clicks. Select the Click Classes type in the pop-up blocker. It contains our class that we found earlier on the website. In our case, this is ticket-action-button-deeplink.


Save the trigger and tag with a new name and submit the changes using the Submit button.

Go to Analytics and create a new goal (Administrator — Select our property and select Goals in the View section and click the +New goal).


In the Goal Set-Up section, select Custom type.


Enter a name for the goal and select the Event type.


In the Goal details section of the goal, indicate the same Category and Action as in the Trigger settings of the Tag Manager.


Click Save. Then we need to check our goal. Go to Real-time Reports section — and select Conversion item. Open the White Label and perform the goal action (for example, by clicking on the Book button).

If everything is set up correctly, you will see the active user on the website and after the click a successful goal will be added.


Repeat these steps for the other items you want to track clicks for.