How much do brands pay at Travelpayouts?

Travelpayouts platform is based on CPA (Cost per Action). CPA is a model where payments are made for each specified action.

In simple words, for you to earn a reward, a user needs to click on the affiliate tool placed on your website (or another resource) and make a purchase. Your earnings will be calculated based on the total booking value and the rate that the program offers.

What types of rates programs in Travelpayouts offer

  • Percentage of the paid order amount. This rate is the most common and varies from one program to another. One program can offer different rates depending on the type of service (accommodation, tickets, etc.)
  • Fixed reward. In this scenario, you will get a fixed amount of money regardless of the total cost of the ticket or any other service purchased via your link.  

One program can offer several types of rates depending on the action the user takes. 

Where to find rates for a specific program

Note: You need to be signed up for Travelpayouts to see the list of programs and their rates. 

  1. Sign in to your Travelpayouts account
  2. Open Programs tab

The rates will be shown on each program's card. 

  1. To find more details, click on any program and find the Rate section on the About tab. Pay attention to the Rewarded platforms and Payout process as well.