Learn how to configure your own settings for tables and widgets in the WordPress plugin so that they match your website.
You can start using the Travelpayouts plugin immediately after you enter your API Token and ID in the Account section in the site control panel.
To configure Additional Plugin Settings go to the Settings section for Travelpayouts in your WordPress control panel.
You will find the following parameters that you can change and adjust:
- Date format — you can use one of the predefined formats or set your own (standard WordPress formats are supported)
- Distance Units — available options:
- KM — kilometer
- M — miles (for U.S. audience)
- Host (flights), Host (hotels) — the website where the search results for air tickets from Aviasales widgets and hotels from Hotellook widgets will open. This can be either the Aviasales or Hotellook website.
- Note: If you want to redirect users to your White Label instead of the brand’s websites, you need to enter your White Label address in the Account tab. Find more information here.
- Action after click
- Show Search Form — a visitor will be redirected to a page on our website that includes a completed search form. In this case, a search button should be pressed to see the search results.
- Show Search Results — a visitor will instantly be redirected to the search results page that features available hotel and flight bookings according to the information specified in the widget/table.
- Language of tables and widgets — by default, the language of tables and widgets is the same as the language of WordPress, but you can change it.
- Currency
- Show the Currency — hide or show the currency name in tables and widgets.
- Action after click (flights) and Action after click (hotels):
- Show the search form — a user will be redirected to the page of the brand's website with a filled-out search form. He will need to click the «Find» button to see the result.
- Show search results — when the user clicks on the search, the search starts immediately and the user sees a page with the search result. That is, it sees a list of air tickets or hotels that match the information in the widget/table.
- Buttons in the editor — the size of the buttons.
- Script Include — a place to include the script of the plugin:
- Header — website header. The script will be loaded first, before the website content.
- Footer — script will be loaded after all website content is loaded. Widgets and tables can be loaded with a delay in this case.
- Airlines Logo Size (px) — supported image size: from… to…
- Redirect — a 301 redirect will be activated.
- Open in a new window — a link will be opened in a new window.
- Add the nofollow attribute — all links will have a nofollow attribute set as default.
- Use FileCache — replace standard data caching with FileCache. When FileCache is active, caching plugins for WordPress will not work.
- Cache Timeout — the time the data is stored in the database. Cached data is loaded faster.
- Day
- Hour
- Event tracking. «Find» button — insert here the key of the event for Google Analytics, which is needed to track events in tables that were added using the plugin.
- Event tracking. Table is loaded — insert here the key of the event for Google Analytics, which is needed to track events in tables that were added using the plugin.
- Disable tables debug notices — select this option to disable tables error notices in the admin area.
- Import settings from v1 — import of previously exported settings.
You can also change the settings for the widgets and tables.