How to create a White Label in the Travelpayouts account

Once you've set up White Label on your hosting website, the next step is creating and setting it up in your account on the Travelpayouts platform.

To create and set up White Label:

1. Open your Travelpayouts account.

2. Go to the programs section and open the Aviasales or Hotellook program.

Note! You need to connect to the Aviasales or Hotellook program to be able to work with Travelpayouts White Label.

3. Open the Tools tab and navigate to the White Label section.

4. Click Create White Label.

4. This will open a page containing various tabs for customizing your White Label:

Let’s go through each tab.


The Domain section contains the White Label’s basic settings.

  • My domain — enter the URL for your site without http:
    • For a subdomain White Label, you should use a name like:
    • For a primary domain, you should use a name like:

Note! Don't forget to add www. when using your primary domain, otherwise, your White Label may not open/function properly.

Remember that domain Names (including subdomains) may only contain letters a-z, numbers 0-9, hyphens (which may not be used consecutively or be the first or last character).

  • White Label main language — select the main language for White Label. You can add more languages on the Content tab. You can create the front page, footer, and header for each added language. Note: All languages (selected and unselected) will be available to switch to on the White Label page
  • My project — select the Project where the White Label will be placed

Click Create and Set up to save settings and proceed further.


The Contents section contains the White Label’s search forms settings.

  • General Settings
    • Language — select the main language for White Label (the same field as on the Domain tab).
    • Currency — select the currency to display in the search results and on the hot prices map.
    • Referral link under the form — this adds a link Powered by Travelpayouts under the search form. You can find more details in the article Referral program.
  • Search tabs
    • Airline Tickets, Hotels — select to add airline tickets, hotels, or both search forms at the same time.
    • Departure City, Arrival City — if necessary, set the default arrival/departure cities for the search form. If not specified the search form will automatically detect the user’s origin city by IP
    • Checkbox "Show hotels"— hide or show the checkbox Show hotels. (If enabled, the check box is displayed on the search form. When the checkbox is selected, the search result opens in a new window, and the initial page opens the site. According to our research, this significantly increases the additional revenue for affiliates)
    • Hotel or City — enter a city or hotel, that would be placed by default in the search of the hotel. If you choose to browse only tickets, the field is absent
  • Default Tab — this option will appear if you select both Airline tickets and Hotels search tabs. You can select a default search form that will show up on the White Label main page. The other search form will be shown as a tab.


On the Styles tab, you can change the color scheme of the White Label page or create your own design.

In addition to the preset options, you can create your own design style. To do this, click the Create custom theme button on the top bar.

You can change the following colors by entering the needed HEX values:

  • Page background 
  • Links
  • Search form background
  • Text on the search form
  • Button background 
  • Text on the button

You can also edit the CSS styles of the White Label, to do this simply click Customize CSS styles, and the field for entering the style language will appear.

To insert an image as the background of the top part of the site (where the search form is located), see How can I use an image for the header background. Please note: the image must be accessible from the Internet, not on your local computer.


In the Metadata section, you can enter the title of the White Label page and other meta tags. You can also change additional tags that you’re using for social sharing (to find details, look at White Label Settings for Social Networks).

Link previews are generated based on metadata when you share them on social networks. Metadata plays a crucial role in determining how the link will be presented in the preview.

Meta language – add more languages for White Label. You can create the front page, footer, and header for each selected language. Note: All languages (selected and unselected) will be available to switch to on the White Label page.

How to add a favicon to White Label

To add a favicon on your White Label page, open the “Meta” section and post this string into the form:

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="PastHereLinkToFavicon">


In this section, you can set the home page header, footer, and block on the main page, for example you can:

  • Change the brand name in the TPWL-header-content-logo__text parameter
  • Edit additional text displayed on the top right corner using the TPWL-header-content__descrition parameter 
  • Change the search form heading text in the TPWL-header-content__label parameter

You can also add a logo image in the header of White Label and use an image for the header background.

The code with the class weedle is responsible for the popular routes widget.

The code with the class special_offers is responsible for the best deals widget.